With SMS 2.14.0, we introduced a new feature that indicates when a course or enrollment isn't syncing like SMS expects it to. When you click the hazard icon, you'll get a message like the following:


Sync still works exactly as it did in SMS 2.13.0. However, if you suddenly see a lot of hazard signs after the upgrade, this indicates that there may be some configuration problems in Moodle you didn't notice. Previously, SMS didn't tell you about these and you had to notice that the data was off.

You can still continue using the application just as before. However, when you get to a less busy period, it would be a good opportunity to try the suggested troubleshooting, and if you still need assistance then connect with support to see if we can help you track down the source of the problem.

If you are suddenly seeing many of these, but did not recently upgrade, then it may indicate a change in your Moodle installation that has affected sync and you may not be able to continue using the application. If you see these just after the September 2020 release, however, no need to panic.

How can we resolve these long-term?

If you'd like to take a stab at determining why things are displaying indicators, check our guide:

Sync Error Debugging