SMS will send several emails automatically at different stages of the student's registration. However, you can also manually select students and draft a custom email to them. This can be helpful for addressing specific students who have not activated, or sending out an email to an entire class.

How to send manual emails

Select students using the checkbox to the top left of the student's name, and then click the "Compose message" button. You can select or unselect all visible students by clicking the button in the top left of the screen as well.

Then, type in your email subject and message. If you would like the email to go to the primary contacts of the student, as well as the student themselves, you can click the "Include primary contacts" button. Once your email is ready, click "Send".

After sending an email to a student, you may wish to leave a note on the student's activity log summarizing the email content, so that other staff at your district know what was sent out and so that you have a record for future reference.

Receiving student replies

When you send an email, it will come from SMS, but the email address attached to your SMS account will be set as the "reply email". This way, students or their primary contacts can reply in their email clients and you will receive the reply.

How many students can I send to?

There is no hard limit on the number of students you can send emails to using this feature, however it is built with the idea of emailing smaller group of students. For many students, it can be difficult to select them all as you have to click "See more" many times. In theory, you can address hundreds of students.

If you send many emails at once, some mail providers may believe your email is spam and delay receipt of the email or direct it into the users spam box.

If you find yourself wanting to send an email to large groups of students frequently, perhaps consider: