You will need to have a Moodle instance setup and running to use SMS. Please see the Moodle website for details on installing and setting up Moodle if you don't already have a functioning instance. Once you have Moodle installed, follow the instructions below to setup SMS integration.
Site administration -> Plugins -> Authentication -> Manual accounts
in the side menu. Change the "Email address" field to "Locked" and save. This disallows users to change their own email and is required for proper SMS account syncing, so do not skip this step.Note: If you use additional authentication mechanisms, such as Email-based self-registration, you must also ensure the email address is "Locked" in that mechanism's settings as well. In the case of a read-only authorization mechanism, such as LDAP, you must externally guarantee user emails will not change.
Site administration -> Plugins -> Web Services -> Overview
in the side menu. This provides a general overview of the steps required to integrate Moodle with an SMS installation.Site administration -> Users -> Permissions -> Define roles
in the side menu. At this time you will create an SMS role for the SMS user. Click on "Add a new role". Do not specify a role, archetype, or role present. Instead, just click "Continue".moodle/site:viewparticipants